Month to Month - $75 ($2.46 per day)
6 Month Contract - $60 per month (1st of every month)
12 Month Contract - $50 per month (1st of every month)
*No cancelations for contract memberships!
Senior, Military, First Responder
Month to Month (Senior and Students) - $40
Month to Month (Mil., First Responder, etc.) - $60
Annual (12 Months) - $480
*Seniors must be at least 70 years old*
*Age requirement for the gym is 15. MUST be with parent at sign up AND during workout*
special memberships
Day Pass - $15 per day
Weekly/Tourist Membership - $35 per week
10 Visit Punch Card - $60 ($6 per visit)
Corporate - $40 ($1500 yearly)
personal training is available!
$50 per session
Head Trainers
Dana R.
Sean P.
Assistant Trainers
Kyle W.
Priscilla W.
Visit Us
410 N. Marshall Street
Darby, MT 59829
(406) 821-1100
We are located behind the Darby Fire Department and the Physical Therapy building.